Code of Conduct

Desicon Engineering Limited > Code of Conduct


Desicon’s Code of Conduct highlights policies guiding conduct of the Company business.

All Board members, employees, partners, Vendors and contractors have responsibility to ensure compliance with the code of conduct.

This Code of Conduct is adopted in all Companies within Desicon Group.

The Code of Conduct provides that all persons covered should avoid any action of activities that could result in conflicts of interest between their private activities and their activities in the Company.


The Code of Conduct covers ethical standards of behaviour in handling the various activities of the Company including sourcing for new projects, execution of projects, handling business issues, etc.

Guiding principles

Desicon’s Code of Conduct is based on the principles of Integrity, Trust and Transparency in the conduct of the Company business.

Adherence to these principles is critical to the reputation as well as sustainability of the business.

In line with these principles, the code of conduct spells out prohibited behaviours that must be avoided.

To that end, Desicon has established this Code of Conduct to help all of us, including the Board, comply with the law and maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct. The code does not cover every issue that may arise, but sets out basic principles and methodology to help guide all of us in the attainment of this common goal. I encourage you to read, understand and, most importantly, to conduct your actions in keeping with our Code of Conduct and Business ethics. If you are in a situation that you believe may violate or lead to a violation of this code, follow the procedures described in this code.

Our reputation is integral to our success, and reputation comes from our actions on a continuous basis. Your performance in conducting our business in a manner that is consistent with the principle contained in the code will enable us to keep and enhance that reputation.

Prohibited behaviours:

  •  Having relationship with contractor or vendor that could compromise ability to conduct the Company business professionally.
  • Directly or indirectly demanding gratification of whatever nature from Vendors, subcontractors or third parties.
  • Directly or indirectly influencing the decision of fellow employees to favour any Vendor or Subcontractor.
  • Having financial interest in contracts awarded by the Company.
  • Engaging in other businesses or interests that adversely affects conduct of the Company business.
  • Not disclosing fully and accurately when presenting Company information to the public or government agency.